Thursday, February 28, 2013

     Because of the large number of mass shootings in recent years, gun control has become a big issue in America. Throughout the last 30 years, there have been at least 62 mass shooting incidents in the United States. The FBI defines such incidents as 4 or more victims killed. This article lists each of those tragedies, occurring between 1982 - 2012. According to this data, the number of mass shootings were somewhat scarce in the 1980’s, but have slowly increased in subsequent years, with an incredible 7 recorded last year alone.

     Based on this information, it would appear that violent crime in the United States has only increased, especially ones committed with guns. However, mass shootings only account for a very small percentage of violent crime victims each year. According to the FBI, this table shows that the overall murder and violent crime rates across the country have been cut in half over the past 20 years. Yet, various studies indicate that per capita gun ownership has increased in recent decades. And America remains the most heavily armed nation in the world, with an average of about 1 gun per person. See here; that is partly indicated by the observation of gun sales in recent months, and by the scarcity of ammunition.

     There are many examples indicating that more guns owned by individuals generally correlates with lower levels of crime. For instance, this article states that Chicago and Washington, D.C., “have among the most draconian restrictions on gun rights and among the highest rates of gun violence and murder.” And the opposite is true among states with few restrictions and widespread gun ownership. Internationally, statistics are similar. Switzerland (which mandates gun ownership for almost all able-bodied males of military age) has one of the lowest crime and murder rates in the world. On the other hand, countries which ban gun ownership from civilians, such as Mexico, also have some of the highest murder rates.

     When observing each of the mass shootings in America, in almost every case they have been in locations where guns were prohibited by law. Take the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, for instance. According to John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime, there were 7 movie theaters in the area showing Batman, and only one had a ban for permit-concealed handguns posted. And that's where the tragedy took place. See here

     The following article shows a map where many of the mass shootings took place in the United States. It is clear to see that virtually all of them seem to be in large metropolitan areas. Those types of locations also tend to have stricter gun control laws.

     Gun violence is one of the major problems in America, and in many countries around the world. On the one hand, many people don't want to give up their right to own guns. And on the other, mass shootings have been rampant in recent years, causing many to want stricter gun control, and some to want guns banned entirely. The media also exercises great influence on the way people relate gun ownership with criminal behavior. A common belief often shaped by the media, is that more gun ownership in a society equals more criminal behavior. Yet, statistics demonstrate that people are not as trigger happy as is often portrayed. Most people are apparently decent, law abiding individuals. So, as more people own guns, the wild west scenario of chaos actually tends to diminish.

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