Editorial Cartoons

Team Member Name: Abby Andrews
Publication: From the Barrel of a Gun (blog) (fromthebarrelofagun.blogspot.com)
Date: October 8, 2009
Cartoonist: Eric Allie
Cartoon #1
Title of Cartoon: The Constitution vs. Chicago Gun Ban 
What is the action taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
Although the constitution is the law of the land, decisions should be made by the local government pertaining to gun control. This cartoon shows how the constitution is overthrowing local government's voice in gun control issues within Illinois. The constitution gun, being held by a judge, represents the Supreme court cases that led up to the debates provoked by the gun ban in Chicago. The constitution and the bill of rights are the law over the entire nation. Even after the decisions (made by the constitutions and decisions made in court) about gun control; laws pertaining to gun control have still predominately been determined by state and local governments. 

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
Even though the state government should have control over issues such as gun control, the federal government is overruling their decisions of what is best for the communities within their state. The federal government is using the constitution as an overwriting power. 

Team Member Name: Abby Andrews
Publication: Military Hunting and Fishing on Gun Control and Mental Health
Date: January 18, 2013
Cartoonist: Gary Varve
Cartoon #2
Title of Cartoon: The Nation Mourns 
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
This cartoon shows mockery towards the government in even considering enforcing a nation-wide gun ban. The cartoonist used a relatively similar event in history to show the possible outcome of a ban on an item in popular demand. This article does a good job of comparing the reaction to prohibition/the ban of alcohol to gun control and how historically bans haven't been totally effective. It talks about how hard it is not to say that banning guns will solve the nation's problem. 

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
Like the prohibition of alcohol, the banning of guns will not work because criminals will still find ways to get these guns illegally. 

Team Member Name: Abby Andrews
Publication: Patriot Update
Date: January 17, 2011
Cartoonist: Brian Farrington
Cartoon #3
Title of Cartoon: Guns Shoot Themselves
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of stricter gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
This cartoon suggest that it is the people that need to be monitored when it comes to gun control. It's not the gun that kills people it's the person in possession of the gun. It mocks other mistakes that are made that people blame the tool used. In Oprah's defense... It wasn't the spoon... this article claims that, "Oprah dealt with emotional and medical issues."

Team Member Name: Abby Andrews
Publication: Liberty Features Syndicated
Date: January 17, 2013
Cartoonist: William Warren
Cartoon #4
Title of Cartoon: Gun Control for Dummies
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
This cartoon displays a before and after picture representing before proposed gun control laws and after. In the before, it shows a law-abiding citizen with a gun and a criminal with a weapon as well, making both appear on an equal playing field. The after picture demonstrates the consequences of gun control and lack of safety for law-abiding citizens. It shows the advantage given to criminals because they will be the only ones with possession of weapons. 

Tone of cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control laws?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
This shows the opinion and perspective of many Americans that if we take guns away from law abiding citizens then they are at a higher risk of being hurt and have a lower chance of protecting themselves and others when criminals will still use guns. Proving that criminals will be criminals and misuse guns no matter if they are legal or not suggesting that law abiding citizens should be allowed to have guns for protections against criminals. 

Team Member Name: Justin Sales
Publication: Cagle.com
Date: Janurary 13, 2013
Cartoonist: Bill Schorr
Cartoon #5
Title of Cartoon: Duck Hunting 
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
The man is justifying to his neighbors his reasoning for needing to own such a large gun. He explains that he needs the tank for "duck hunting". 

Tone of cartoon:

1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
People will always justify their need for guns. This cartoon is specifically targeting assault rifles in the hands of common citizens for common tasks. The man operating the tank could shoot a duck with a hand gun, thus making the tank excessive. Although some types of guns don't have a legitimate hunting purpose, the 2nd amendment was implemented to protect citizens from evil interference, including government tyranny.

Team Member Name: Justin Sales
Publication: AAEC
Date: February 14, 2013
Cartoonist:Joe Rollins
Cartoon #6
Title of Cartoon: Gun Control
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
The cartoon shows a man watching the evening news in which a reporter is describing a shooting in a neighborhood. The reporter states that the neighborhood is safe now because the gun (mentioned without the operator) was taken into custody. This cartoon suggests that if guns were banned that we would live in a safe nation, which doesn't take into account criminals who will still possess them even though deemed unlawful. 

Tone of cartoon:

1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
As we stated before, this cartoon is making a point that guns are not the ones killing people but it is the people behind the guns who are misusing the guns. 

Team Member Name: Justin Sales 
Publication: Go Comics
Date: December 28, 2012
Cartoonist: Rob Rodgers
Cartoon #7
Title of Cartoon: Rob Rodgers
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
Here, we see the comparison of the ignorance of the effects of smoking in the 1950s to the NRA's ignorance towards gun availability and mass shootings. The cartoon does this by showing a picture of a tobacco executive smoking and an NRA supporter carrying his assault rifle. In this article it presents the details of all the mass shootings over the last 30 years. It shows that of the 62 mass shootings in the time period the killers had 168 guns and more than three quarters of those were obtained legally. It even shows that more than half of all mass shooters possessed high-capacity magazines, assault rifles, or both. 

Tone of cartoon:

1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
This cartoon is mocking the people of the 50s and their ignorance of the correlation between smoking and lung disease, and comparing to today with NRA not being able to see the correlations between gun availability and mass shootings. 

Team Member Name: Justin Sales
Publication: Go Comics
Date: January 30, 2013
Cartoonist: Glen McCoy
Cartoon #8
Title of Cartoon: Glen McCoy
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
The constitution is being destroyed by our president. This pertains to those who fear that Obama will repeal the second amendment of the constitution which will take away their private rights to be able to own and operate weapons. In this article it discusses how Republican Senator Orin Hatch thinks that Obama wants to repeal the second amendment. The article tries to inform its readers that Obama has never said that he wanted to repeal the second amendment, instead in his first term he expanded gun rights.

Tone of cartoon:

1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
This cartoon depicts President Obama as a destroyer of the second amendment. President Obama is shown shooting a rifle to suggest that he is in favor of strict gun control laws and does not care about what the second amendment has previously stated on the matter of gun control.

Team Member Name: Whitney Negrete
Publication: The Association of American Editorial Cartoonist
Date: February 13, 2013
Cartoonist: Joe Rollins
Cartoon #9
Title of Cartoon: Gun Control 2/12
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
This cartoon is showing that criminals won't be stopped by gun control laws. The lawful gun owners don't understand why they are the focus of these gun control laws and why officials are coming after them to take their guns when they are using them lawfully. Criminals are going to possess guns whether legal or not. 

Tone of cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
Here, we see that it is still a concern of citizens that criminals will possess weapons even if they are deemed illegal. This shows the lack of control government officials have on criminals, so in what event is it smart to leave lawful gun owners unprotected?

Team Member Name: Whitney Negrete
Publication: The Charlotte Observer 
Date: December 19, 2012
Cartoonist: Kevin Siers
Cartoon #10
Title of Cartoon: Kevin Siers
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
The NRA repeatedly suggests the need for "more guns" to protect citizens against mass shootings. They then blame mental illness as the primary cause of the mass shootings obviously ignoring that maybe more guns are the problem. This cartoon accuses the NRA of being insane by, "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Article needs to be found 

Tone of cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
This cartoon shows how the NRA blames mass shootings on the operators of guns being mentally ill. The NRA keeps suggesting the need for more guns even though mass shootings continue to occur. Obviously, more guns are not fixing the problem, thus suggesting a different type of action needs to be taken. 

Team Member Name: Whitney Negrete
Publication: TUMBLR
Date: January 21, 2013
Cartoonist: Steve Benson
Cartoon #11
Title: I'll Stand on the Left 
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
This cartoon shows Obama sympathizing with children and depicts the NRA/gun supporters as monsters. It frames Obama as gentle, loving, and protective of the children because they were the victims of the most recent gun tragedy. In contrast, it shows LaPierre as a gun-hungry creep who thinks that guns will solve the whole country's problems. 

Tone of cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
The reality of this cartoon shows Obama's concern for the protection of children due to their lack of say in gun control matters. This article shows how the NRA is trying to stand up for gun owners in the United States, and also shines light on Obama's encouragement to citizens everywhere to be the voice of the children. 

Team Member Name: Mallory Henderson 
Date: 2013
Cartoonist: Cohen
Cartoon #12
Title: Teachers and Guns
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
This cartoon suggests that if we want our children to even be relatively safe at school, our children's teachers will need to take action by carrying weapons in case of emergency. This article shows the planned action being taken by the government, the NRS, and teachers all across America in hopes to greater protect children in school. 

Tone of cartoon: 
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
Stricter gun control laws are not promoted by this article, because it constructs the opinion that teachers need to be armed in order for our children to be safe. It also frames the poor economic state that educators 

Team Member Name: Mallory Henderson 
Date: 2013
Cartoonist: Natt
Cartoon #13
Title: Second Amendment 
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
The purpose of this cartoon is to show the NRA "demolishing" the second amendment in hopes of allowing anyone to purchase any type of gun they would like. This article discusses how much firearm technology has changed since the second amendment was first written and how it would devastate the NRA if the second amendment was restored to its original intent. This cartoon suggests that the NRA would not like excessive restrictions.

Tone of cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
This cartoon negatively frames the NRA and suggests that there would be more "man-slaughter" if any type of guns were available to American citizens. The NRA is adding onto the second amendment in this cartoon and is focusing on assault type weapons.

Team Member Name: Jeff Gudmunson
Publication: Cagle Cartoons
Date: February 25, 2013
Cartoonist: Bill Day
Cartoon #14
Title:Weapons of Mass Destruction
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
This cartoon compares cars to guns and shows how one of them (cars) has a lot of restrictions on being able to operate and legally own; the other (guns) has no required licensing test or purchasing restrictions. This suggests that if guns had more requirements before owning, they would be safer for owning in society.  

Tone of Cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
This cartoon frames stricter gun control laws as a necessity for safety. Gun control laws are the only way to protect innocent men and women against gun violence. With driving, there are many restrictions (such as: speed limits, police patrol, and driver's license testing). This cartoon shows the need for such restrictions on guns and how a citizen is to attain a gun (by testing and age). 

Team Member Name: Jeff Gudmunson
Publication: Cagle Cartoons
Date: February 20, 2013
Cartoonist: Gary McCoy 
Cartoon #15
Title: Weapons of War 
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
This cartoon is suggesting that Obama wants guns taken away and compares that to if he were to disarm the military then America would be in danger from other countries that may want to attack. It is showing that if we do pass stricter gun control laws citizens would be in greater danger.

Tone of cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
Stricter gun control laws are mocked in this cartoon. We all know that if Obama were to disarm the military it would cause a lot of uproar and we would be exposed to other countries that  may dislike us and want to attack. It is mocking the president by depicting his as "stupid" enough to take away weapons from our protective troops. The issues about more gun control, not necessarily confiscating all guns. 

Team Member Name: Jeff Gudmunson 
Publication: Cagle Cartoons
Date: February 6, 2013
Cartoonist: Daryl Cagle 
Cartoon #16
Title: Mental Health Test for Guns
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
This cartoon is suggesting that gun control advocates want to use the excuse of mental instability in order to be able to limit the guns allowed for purchase. It presents a stereotype of gun owners and their beliefs about government gun regulators. 

Tone of Cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
This article shows one instance about how people question the mental state of gun enthusiasts. In this specific story, just because a child was looking at a photo of a BB gun, his mental state was questioned. Since mass shooters tend to have mental problems, some gun control supporters try to make a blanket statement and say that the same goes for all gun owners. 

Team Member Name: Jeff Gudmunson
Publication: Arizona Daily Star 
Date: February 24, 2103
Cartoonist: David Fitzsimmons
Cartoon #17
Title: Open Carry
What action is taking place in the cartoon? What is the context?
This cartoon is showing how the people in this donut shop view people who carry guns based on past mass shootings. the customers in this cartoon falsely perceive the gunner as being a threat, when in reality; the little old lady is the one they should be worried about. Sometimes the people who are least expected to be criminals are over-looked. 

Tone of Cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of stricter gun control laws?
2) framing is supportive or opposed to supporters of increased gun control?
3) framing is supportive or opposed to opponents of stricter gun control laws?
What "reality" is constructed/framed about stricter gun control laws?
If there are looser gun control laws, things wouldn't be very different. A lot of people do feel threatened when they see guns out in the open, but freer gun laws could actually create a safer environment. 

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