
A Guide to Mass Shootings in America article:
Follman, Mark. "A Guide to Mass Shootings in America."Mother Jones. Mother Jones, 27 Feb. 2013. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

A look at America’s Gun Industry Article:
Velasc, Schuyler. "A Look at Americas Gun Industry." The Christian Science Monitor. Christian Science Monitor, 03 Jan 2013. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

A Special Report on the Rise of Mass Shootings in America article:
Uknown, . "A Special Report on the Rise of Mass Shootings in America." Mother Jones (2013): n.pag. Mother Jones. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Duck Hunting Cartoon:
Schorr, Bill. Duck Hunting. 2013. Cartoon. Gagle cartoonsWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <

FBI Crimes In 2011:
FBI, . "Crimes In the United States." Uniform Crime Reports (2011): n.pag. FBI . Web. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Gun Control Cartoon:
Allie, Eric. Gun Control. 2009. Cartoon. From The Barrel of a GunWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Gun Control For Dummies Cartoon:
Warren, William. Gun Control for Dummies. 2013. Cartoon. Liberty Features SyndicateWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Gun-free Zones Called "Magnets for Mass Shooters" article:

Kenny, Jack. "Gun-free Zones Called "Magnets for Mass Shooters"." The New American. The New American, 17 Dec 2012. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Gun Owners would Defy Ban Article:
Newman, Alex. "Vast Majority of Gun Owners Would Defy Ban, Poll Shows." The New American. The New American, 30 Jan 2013. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Guns Shoot Themselves Cartoon:
Fairrington, . Guns Shoot Themselves. 2011. Cartoon. Patriot UpdateWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Uknown, . "Should Obama's Gun Control Proposal be Enacted ." US News. US News, n.d. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <>

HUNEYCUTT: Gun control lessons from Prohibition article:

Huneycutt, Jake. "Gun control lessons from Prohibition Restriction won’t prevent killers." Washington Times 26 December 2013, n. pag. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. <>.

Joe’s Corner Cartoon:
Rollins, Joe. Joe's Corner. 2013. Cartoon. AAECWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Joe’s Corner 2nd Cartoon:
Joe, Rollins. Joe's Corner . 2013. Cartoon. AAECWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Kevin Siers Cartoon:
Siers, Kevin. Kevin Siers. 2013. Cartoon. McClatchyWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Mental Health Test for Guns Cartoon:
Cagle, Daryl. Mental Health Test for Guns. 2013. Cartoon. Cagle CartoonWeb. 19 Mar 2013.<{54B9B509-58C2-4C6C-8C20-E7A58D7A6F0D} (Mental Health Test for Guns, by Daryl Cagle)>.

Mike Lester Cartoon:
Lester, Mike. Mike Lester. 2013. Cartoon. Go ComicsWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Mother Jones Article:
Follman, Mark. "US Mass Shootings, 1982-2012: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation." Mother Jones. N.p., 28 Dec 2012. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

NRA gun control newton shooting cartoon:

Clement, . NRA Gun Control Second Amendment . 2013. Cartoon. New York TimesWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <

Obama: Overcoming poverty and violence hard, but can be done article:

Cohen, Tom. "Obama: Overcoming poverty and violence hard, but can be done." CNN 15 Feb. 2013, n. pag. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. <>.

Open Carry cartoon:
Fitzsimmons, David. Open Carry. 2013. Cartoon. Cagle CartoonWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <{32862068-F7D4-4D5E-A5DC-E32BEDD4403A} (Open carry, by David Fitzsimmons)>.

Orrin Hatch: Obama Would Repeal Second Amendment If He Could article:
Maddock, Preston. "Orrin Hatch: Obama Would Repeal Second Amendment If He Could." Huffington Post21 Feb. 2013, n. pag. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. <>.

Prohibition and Gun Control:

Varve, Gary. Prohibition and gun control. 2013. Cartoon. Military Hunting and FishingWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Second Amendment:
Cornell, Saul. "The Second Amendment you don't know."Daily News. Daily News, 19 Dec 2012. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Rob Rodgers Cartoon:

Rodgers, Rob. Rob Rodgers. 2013. Cartoon. Go ComicsWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Steve Benson Cartoon:
Benson, Steve. Steve Benson. 2013. Cartoon. Randomness From This old GuyWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Teachers and Guns:
Reuters, . "Teachers in Ohio, Texas flock to free gun training classes following Sandy Hook massacre ." Daily News. Daily News, 08 Jan 2013. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <>.

Weapons of Mass Destruction cartoon:
Day, Bill. Weapons of Mass Destructin. 2013. Cartoon. Gagle cartoonsWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <{217B08C3-E7FA-417D-996A-07FAD7BF6195} (Weapons of Mass Destruction, by Bill Day>.

Weapons of War cartoon:
McCoy, Gary. Weapons of War. 2013. Cartoon. Gagle cartoonsWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <{4B277B3A-3C60-4271-95B9-67A3706A168E} (Weapons Of War, by Gary McCoy)>

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